Meeting someone for the first time can be intimidating
church is no different.
Here’s what to expect:
We want to welcome you and help you experience God’s love when you visit Mercy Gate! Let us know you’re coming so we can pray for you and connect with you before you get here to help make your experience more meaningful and less nerve-racking. We also want to set aside a free book for you!
WHEN: Sundays at 10:30 a.m.
WHERE: corner of Walker & Benner
WHAT: worship, teaching, fellowship
What are Sunday gatherings like?
Our gatherings are casual. You will experience a family feel with passionate singing and occasional prophetic leadings. You will also hear a biblically driven message that highlights the person and work of Jesus and provides practical application for everyday life.
Where do I go when I get there?
We have 2 main entrances (red double doors) — one on Walker and one on Benner. Both entrances lead directly to our lobby, auditorium and restrooms. There’s no dress code and no assigned seats, just come in and make yourself at home. We’ll have greeters ready to answer any questions — don’t hesitate to ask!
What about the kids?
Part of our family feel is including the children in our time of worship. At times it’s a bit hectic and distracting, but we believe it’s important for our children to witness our worship and to participate themselves. Before we transition from singing to the sermon we take a short break to dismiss kids 0-10 to go upstairs to their classes. Please accompany your child upstairs and check them in with the teachers before the sermon begins!
What if I don’t know what to do?
You might not know the songs we’re singing, or you might not be ready to participate in something that others are doing (like praying for someone). That’s okay! Your job as our guest is to observe and receive from the Lord. We always welcome your questions, and we want you to feel comfortable just taking it all in.