we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD, his power and the wonders he has done
Psalm 78:4
Family dedication is an opportunity for parents/guardians to publicly acknowledge their children as a gift from God; to publicly commit to discipline and instruct their children in the way of Christ; and to publicly commit to receiving care and accountability from their church family.
Why do we practice Family Dedication?
For the New Testament church, family dedications are not required, but Scripture does imply that it’s a healthy practice. For instance, in the Old Testament God instructs families to dedicate their firstborn to the Lord (Exodus 13). We even see this in the life of Jesus as he was brought to the temple to be dedicated to the Lord (Luke 2:22). This Old Testament practice was a reminder that our children are given by God and that we are to love them sacrificially as God sacrificially loves us.
Old Testament child dedication was intended to commemorate God’s mercy to his people in the exodus account. Today we do not commemorate God’s mercy in the exodus, but we commemorate what God’s mercy in the exodus account points us to. We commemorate the true Lamb of God, Jesus Christ, whose blood was shed to release us from our bondage to sin. And we commemorate Jesus as the firstborn from the dead. He conquered the death that we all face so that we might have hope in death!
We don’t continue to practice Old Testament child/family dedications, but the principle of family dedications still carries significant value. Family dedications are a great way for parents to intentionally acknowledge their need for Jesus and for the help of his church in pointing their children to the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ.
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Family dedication is for parents & guardians desiring to publicly commit to parenting with the care of our church
If you’re ready to make that commitment, submit the form below and we’ll follow up with you soon!