each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly, for God loves a cheerful giver
2 Corinthians 9:7
Why generosity?
Our God is a generous giver. Generosity is one of the many ways we can reflect the character of God through our lives. When we give generously we are honoring the Lord as the source of all our resources and provisions, and we are actually partnering with him by using those resources to bless others.
All financial resources flow freely from Jesus, are sustained through him, and are to be utilized for him. Church giving is far more than mindlessly writing off a portion of your income to keep the lights on and the preacher preaching.
Generosity is an opportunity to intentionally give away what you’ve been given to support and advance the assignment that Jesus has given to us.
What is my offering used for?
General Fund
All undesignated gifts go directly to our General Fund which covers our operating budget. This fund is allocated for utilities, insurances, maintenance, supplies, resources, and pastoral salaries. We also include missions, outreach events, fellowship and discipleship expenses in our general operating budget. This is the primary fund for the majority of our expenses, and it enables us to continue our ministry of making disciples.
Benevolence Fund
Our Benevolence Fund is restricted for assisting those experiencing financial hardship. These funds are provided as needed, with case-by-case evaluation, and as they are available. As Galatians says, we are to do good to everyone as we have opportunity, but especially to those in the household of faith. We prioritize the needs of our members and regular attenders, but we desire to bless our neighbors as opportunities arise.
If you are experiencing financial hardship, please contact us to discuss benevolence assistance.
Building Fund
Our building was constructed in 1924, originally as the meeting place of First Baptist of Wissinoming. The Lord graciously provided this building for our church to use for just $1. Since we acquired the building we’ve made many upgrades and renovations, but we still have a list of major overhauls to be completed. Some of these projects include finishing our basement multi-purpose room, adding HVAC to our second floor, and making our parking lot and rear entrance ADA accessible. Any gifts designated for the Building Fund will be restricted for use in these projects and other property repairs and maintenance.
How can I give?
In Person
You’re always welcome to bring cash or check offerings to the offering plate during our Sunday gatherings
You can make a one-time or recurring credit card or ACH gift through our secure donation platform Tithe.ly
By Mail
Feel free to mail a check payable to Mercy Gate Church, 6035 Walker Street, Philadelphia, PA 19135