let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven
Matthew 19:14
MGKids meets on Sundays during the sermon time for children 0-10 years old
0-4 years old
Our nursery is a less structured time of play that may include games, snacks, stories or songs. Our aim for the nursery is primarily to enable parents to engage with the teaching and ministry time downstairs during our Sunday Gatherings. Yet beyond “babysitting” we really value this time because it allows little ones to make friends and play together in a fun and safe environment with people who demonstrate how Jesus loves.

5-10 years old
Our MGKids class includes a gospel-centered Bible story, catechism, memory verses, songs, snacks and fun activities. It’s our hope that this ministry serves and supplements the work that parents and guardians are already doing in pointing their little ones to Christ.
Safety Information
We prioritize the safety of your child. Please register each child before they join a class using the form below: