The Year of Caleb’s Faith

As many of you know, we took a break from studying the book of Revelation at the start of 2021 to refresh our vision for what this year holds.

To help cast that vision, we launched a short sermon series titled “I Want That Mountain: Growing In Faith For Tomorrow.” 

As a church family we’ve come through a period of time in which the Lord has uniquely demonstrated his faithfulness. We know that God is always faithful, and He always demonstrates that faithfulness, whether we notice it or not. But the past, I don’t know, 18 months...even two years really...have been an amplified time of refining, testing and difficulty for many of us at Mercy Gate. 

When the loving discipline of our God is intensified, His manifold blessings and sustaining faithfulness are graciously revealed in ways that we wouldn’t otherwise have eyes to see. The physical change of seasons (at least where we live...sorry FL...) is a helpful image of this. After the bitter cold of winter, we appreciate the warmth of spring sunshine in a unique way. We long for an autumn chill to relieve the intensity of summer sun. The beauty of freshly fallen snow brings purity to the frozen dead leaves of November. 

We are uniquely positioned to behold God’s faithfulness in this way after a season of difficulty. However, if we don’t notice His character, His love, His faithfulness, in a way that stirs us to greater faith and obedience, then we will have wasted His loving discipline.

Here’s a quote from myself—quoting Dan—on January 24 to remind you where we’re going this year:

2021 is the year of Caleb’s Faith.’

This year is an opportunity for our church family to grow - to mature - in ‘faith that is characterized by singular focus, wholehearted devotion, and enduring resolve to see the kingdom of Christ realized in greater and greater measure until spring comes in its fullness.(Dan, The Year of Caleb’s Faith, January 10)

Even before we get into today’s text, I encourage you to catch the seed of that faith theme that Dan sowed among us. Ponder it, pray over it and plant it deep in your heart. 

Let’s identify specific, objective promises of God and begin praying persistently for the advancement and accomplishment of those things! Let’s also identify the subjective ideas, dreams and burdens the Lord has given us and ramp up our prayer and pursuit in those areas as well! 

Remember, faith isn’t just some vague, mystical experience. It is reason + action + experience. To grow in our faith means that

1) we hear and understand what God has said,

2) we believe it to be true and trustworthy, and

3) then we act as if that word will come to pass which then brings about the experience of the thing hoped for.

It’s through that process that we consequently become stronger and deeper and more mature in our faith in our God which then results in even greater obedience.”

I long for each of you to taste and see the favor and blessing of the Lord that He pours out as you obey in faith and the magnification of His glory when that happens! It is the Father’s good pleasure to lavish you with His love when you seek His kingdom and righteousness above all things. This is how our relationship with Jesus and our love for God are deepened. We trust, we obey, and He proves Himself! 

In closing on that Sunday, January 24, I called you to write down those specific promises and prayer requests that the Lord has put on your heart for this church family. What does the Bible say God desires for our church and community? What desires, dreams and burdens has He given uniquely to you to establish in and through our church community? 

If we’re going to grow deep in our faith, we’ve got to identify these promises and promptings and take them before the Lord in persistent faith-filled prayer together as a body that is knit together in the love of Christ.

Here are the responses that you gave — the “holy ambitions” of Mercy Gate Church:

  • Perfect peace with hearts fixed on Christ

  • Seeing a glimpse of God’s glory

  • Extra grace to endure trials

  • Transformation from the old self

  • Working out of all things for good

  • Intimate knowledge of God and his love, forgiveness, grace

  • Unity in our church that stirs faith in unbelievers

  • Spiritual growth and salvation in our families

  • Growth in number of members & staff at Mercy Gate

  • Pursuit of biblical truth

  • Fresh filling of the Holy Spirit / Revival / joy in the Spirit

  • God’s kingdom to be felt in a way that can’t be ignored

  • Earnest desire for the spiritual gifts

  • Neighborhood outreach

  • Being the hands and feet of Jesus

  • Kingdom advancement in individuals, families, and the nation

  • That we speak out and go out to spread the gospel

  • Ministry in Liberia & Puerto Rico

  • Active seeking of the kingdom first

  • Salvation among families

  • Addiction ministry or meeting started

  • Renewal room/worship ministry started

  • Deliverance

  • Healing - healing - health - chains of addiction, depression broken

  • Peace, safety, and no fear amidst spiritual warfare

  • Embracing discomfort to advance the kingdom



Resting in Revelation